Holiday Car Safety: Protecting What Matters Most

As the holiday season draws near, many of us eagerly anticipate gathering with loved ones, sharing meals, and creating cherished memories. For many, this season also means road trips—whether it’s to visit family, catch up with friends, or escape to a winter getaway. Amidst the excitement, it’s essential to prioritize car safety. It’s not just […]

Preparing for the New Year: Unlocking Success with Vision, Mindset, and Grit

As one chapter closes and another begins, the transition to a new year is a powerful moment to reflect, recalibrate, and refocus. It’s a time to set your sights on the future, fuel your determination, and prepare to step boldly into the opportunities ahead. Whether your goals revolve around professional success, personal growth, or life-changing […]

Building Resilience to Maintain A Growth Mindset

This month on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, we’re diving into the power of Mindset. A strong mindset is key to achieving your goals—but how do you maintain it during hardships and adversity? The answer lies in one word: Resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to challenges. It’s not just […]

Vision As a Trait: How Can We Navigate Our Changing Landscape in Life?

With unpredictable events happening throughout our lives, what is the one thing we can control that would, in turn, change everything? Vision. When we allow our Vision to be malleable and flexible, we then allow ourselves the luxury of our dreams and ambitions. But, when we utilize our Vision so often that it then becomes […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Dental Sales Keynote Speaker

  According to the latest market research data, the current valuation of the U.S. oral care market is around $34 billion with a projected valuation of somewhat over $51 billion by 2030. As a motivational dental sales keynote speaker, I know most observers might say, “A growth rate of nearly 5.5% is pretty darn good.” […]

Scott Burrows, Dental and Medical Sales Speaker

This is the Year of Customer Engagement: Will You Be There for Them?   There is no secret that 2022 is the year of customer engagement. In my motivational speeches to dental and medical sales people, I show that coming off the COVID-19 pandemic, both dental and medical practices expect a patient surge. In turn, […]