Scott Burrows

Scott’s Story

Speaker, Author, Athlete, Entrepreneur

Hi, I’m Scott…

At age 19, I was at the pinnacle of my athletic career—a star wide receiver for Florida State University’s football team and a champion black-belt kickboxer, with my last fight televised on ESPN. But in an instant, everything changed. A devastating car accident left me paralyzed from the chest down, and doctors painted a grim picture of a life confined to a wheelchair.

In that moment of despair, I made a choice—a choice to defy the odds and reclaim my independence. I refused to be defined by my circumstances and embarked on a journey fueled by relentless determination, grit, and unwavering optimism.

I transformed what initially seemed like an impossible goal into reality, standing tall once again. Yet, that was merely the beginning of my journey. Achieving notable success in the financial services industry, I qualified for the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table, a recognition attained by less than 8% of my peers worldwide. Amidst this success, a second automobile accident occurred, prompting my brother to present a new vision for my future. Recognizing the opportunity it presented, I made a difficult decision to leave an industry I had so much passion for and joined forces with him to expand his golf course fertilizer business into Southeast Asia. Partnering with my brother and a Florida Fertilizer Manufacturer, who specialized in custom blended fertilizers, we embarked on groundbreaking initiatives that revolutionized the golf course fertilizer industry in Southeast Asia, establishing ourselves as a disruptive force.

Yet, my journey didn’t stop there. I authored a bestselling book, captivating audiences worldwide with my message of resilience, perseverance, and empowerment. From Fortune 500 organizations to international stages in Australia, Bermuda, Canada, India, Spain, and beyond, I’ve shared my story and inspired countless individuals to overcome their own challenges in both their personal and professional lives.

In the midst of it all, I got married and became a stepdad to my wife’s three amazing children. I’ve embraced life’s adventures—learning to scuba dive, skydive, and mastering the slopes as an avid snow skier. And whenever I can, you’ll find me on the golf course, honing my skills and enjoying the journey.

Everything I’ve achieved has been fueled by an unwavering commitment to VISION, MINDSET, and GRIT. These principles have guided me through the darkest of times and propelled me to unimaginable heights. And now, I’m here to share them with you—to inspire, empower, and guide you on your own journey of triumph over adversity.

The Official Version

Inspiring Transformation & Resilience

Scott Burrows embodies inspiring transformation and resilience as a top motivational speaker and bestselling author. His remarkable journey serves as a testament to the indomitable power of perseverance, determination, and adaptability in the face of adversity. With an unshakable belief in our capacity to conquer even the most daunting challenges, Scott’s story has touched countless lives and continues to ignite transformation on a global scale.

From excelling as an athlete in both football and martial arts to facing a life-altering car accident at just 19 years old, Scott’s resilience knows no bounds. Despite being paralyzed from the chest down and given a grim prognosis by doctors, he refused to accept limitations and embarked on a relentless quest to reclaim his mobility.

Drawing strength from his athletic background and an unwavering resolve to overcome, Scott charted a path to rebuild his life and defy the odds. Guided by his core principles of Vision, Mindset, and Grit, he demonstrated that the human spirit is truly unconquerable.

Today, Scott shares his extraordinary journey with audiences worldwide, inspiring them to seize control in the face of adversity. A captivating storyteller, he imparts actionable strategies to help individuals embrace change, cultivate resilience, and transcend perceived limitations to achieve extraordinary success.

In a world fraught with setbacks and challenges, Scott stands as a beacon of hope, showcasing the transformative power of shifting perspectives. His bestselling book, “Vision Mindset Grit,” serves as a poignant reminder of the boundless strength inherent within each of us. With unwavering determination, adaptability, and a positive outlook, Scott exemplifies that we are capable of overcoming any obstacle life presents us.

Scott Burrows - Vision, Mindset, Grit

The Book

“Vision, Mindset, Grit is interesting, insightful, and a fresh outlook on achieving the impossible. A must-read book for every person who aspires to stay positive, no matter what challenges arise. A truly great book!”
Steve Gilliland
Bestselling Author of Enjoy The Ride™

Rare are those individuals who can truly inspire others to the core and move them to action. Scott Burrows is one of those people. His riveting story of overcoming adversity through sheer determination, will power, and goal setting is mesmerizing and uplifting.

Vision, Mindset and Grit: How to Stand Up When Life Paralyzes You is more than the story of Scott’s determination to overcome enormous obstacles and rebuild his life. It is a testament to his mission to inspire others to triumph over adversity as well. His message of hope and success resonates with audiences worldwide, motivating them to make positive changes in their own lives.