Holiday Car Safety: Protecting What Matters Most

As the holiday season draws near, many of us eagerly anticipate gathering with loved ones, sharing meals, and creating cherished memories. For many, this season also means road trips—whether it’s to visit family, catch up with friends, or escape to a winter getaway. Amidst the excitement, it’s essential to prioritize car safety. It’s not just […]

The Power of Mindset: Keys to Unlocking Your Potential

In this blog we’ll be discussing the key steps of cultivating a success Mindset. Keep scrolling to read more. Mindset: The Foundation of Success and Growth In both personal and professional development, one key factor consistently drives success: Mindset. As a keynote speaker and the author of Vision, Mindset, Grit, I’ve witnessed firsthand how a […]

Building Resilience to Maintain A Growth Mindset

This month on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, we’re diving into the power of Mindset. A strong mindset is key to achieving your goals—but how do you maintain it during hardships and adversity? The answer lies in one word: Resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to challenges. It’s not just […]

Vision As a Trait: How Can We Navigate Our Changing Landscape in Life?

With unpredictable events happening throughout our lives, what is the one thing we can control that would, in turn, change everything? Vision. When we allow our Vision to be malleable and flexible, we then allow ourselves the luxury of our dreams and ambitions. But, when we utilize our Vision so often that it then becomes […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Education Speaker

  The Innovative Mindset of Education   As a motivational education speaker and quadriplegic, I have always admired those who have a positive vision for the future in the midst of extreme change and adversity. The push educators have made in the areas of greater diversity, equity and inclusion; the passion with which you have […]

Scott Burrows, Inspirational Education Speaker

  What Can Be Done about Teacher Turnover?   The most recent issue of Chalkbeat has revealed some highly disturbing trends. As an inspirational education keynote speaker whose family members were dedicated teachers, it is impossible to relate how deeply it bothers me. Via Chalkbeat: “Since the pandemic threw U.S. schools into disarray, many educators […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Education Speaker

  Where has the Respect Gone?   As a motivational education keynote speaker, I am very concerned over the stress, anxiety and depression that so many educators are feeling. Stress and anxiety were not new, but the pandemic and its aftermath has left deep scars. As the pandemic was lifting, the CDC Foundation did a […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Education Speaker

Who is Advocating for Educators? I am.   As a motivational education keynote speaker, it alarms me that the emotional health of educators is often overlooked given the tremendously high stress they face. Educators know from recent surveys such as the American College Health Association that college students are experiencing high levels of anxiety; about […]

Scott Burrows, Education & School Convocation Speaker

As a motivational education speaker who has many personal ties to education, faculties and universities, what is happening to the teaching profession breaks my heart. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, from January 2021 to January 2022, about 70 million educators separated from the profession. In my keynote educational speeches to educators and […]