Vision As a Trait: How Can We Navigate Our Changing Landscape in Life?
With unpredictable events happening throughout our lives, what is the one thing we can control that would, in turn, change everything? Vision. When we allow our Vision to be malleable and flexible, we then allow ourselves the luxury of our dreams and ambitions. But, when we utilize our Vision so often that it then becomes […]
Scott Burrows, Texas Motivational Speaker
How Can We Not Feel Pride in Texas? “Optimism isn’t just a state of mind, it’s a practice. But seizing an opportunity to improve things can rarely be done alone. Texans work together every day to help their neighbors, respond to disaster, and build brighter futures.” – Texas Optimism Project, 2023 As a […]
Scott Burrows, Healthcare Resilience Speaker
Healthcare Resilience is More than Dollars and Cents As a healthcare resilience and overcoming adversity speaker, it was interesting to read a recent piece (February 7, 2023) by physician and healthcare expert, Sanjay Saxena titled, “For US Hospitals, Resilience Requires Tough Choices.” “Even before the pandemic, there were healthy provider organizations, ones that were […]
Scott Burrows, Texas Motivational Speaker
Texas, You Got This! As the New Year rolled around the predictable economic forecasts told everyone, from Houston to Dallas to San Antonio, and all stops in-between, we would be in for a bumpy ride. As a Texas Motivational Keynote Speaker, I know that often, where Texas goes, the nation follows. As a […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Change Management Speaker
Want to be Invaluable? Be the Change Agent. The change management trends for 2023 have been widely acknowledged, and as a change management speaker, I’m not surprised that change is now considered the new normal. Whether employees are used to their workplaces being “transformed” from year-to-year or even month-to-month, like it or not […]
Scott Burrows, Inspirational Healthcare Speaker
“How can I be inspired, when no one cares?” “Everyone of us said if we could go back, we would choose a different career.” – Emergency room physician in the Bay Area, who recently polled a group of doctors about their jobs. As a motivational healthcare speaker who has spoken in front of […]
Scott Burrows, Inspirational Resilience Speaker
Resilience Also Means Gratitude As an inspirational resilience speaker, I am aware that there has been a lot of research into the strong brain-link between resilience and gratitude. As scientist and psychologist Dr. Jeff Thompson said in his article for Psychology Today entitled Resilience and the Practice of Gratitude: “Gratitude practices are not […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Change Management Speaker
Not an Easy Time to Lead Others “Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another.” John C. Maxwell This has not been an easy time to navigate through change, especially for leaders. As a motivational change management speaker I can assure you that leadership is […]
Scott Burrows, Inspirational Healthcare Speaker
The Healthcare Worker Shortage is Real. What Can Be Done About It? As an inspirational healthcare speaker, I know that it is never easy to deliver bad news. However, as we near 2023, the news is dismal. According to the National Association for Healthcare Quality report: “The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics is projecting that […]
Scott Burrows, Inspirational Healthcare Speaker
The World Doesn’t “Get” Your Biggest Fear Given my work as an inspirational healthcare speaker, I have the ongoing privilege of talking to healthcare workers throughout the country. Having once placed my life and recovery in the hands and hearts of medical providers and a team of dedicated healthcare workers, I came to […]