Scott Burrows, National Association Keynote Speaker

  The 2023 News Can be Good or Bad – It Depends on Your Vision   As a national association keynote speaker with a particular interest in small business, I know that the topic of vision has never been more important than it will be in 2023. How do you personally see the coming year? […]

Scott Burrows, Resilience Speaker for Associations

We Need Our Associations, We Need One Another   As a motivational speaker on resilient associations, I was naturally interested in the 2022 Global Meetings and Event Forecast as reported on November 9, 2021 by Janeen Christoff for American Express Travel. Some numbers that came out from the forecast were that: “Two-thirds (67 percent) of […]

Scott Burrows, Small Business Resilience Speaker

Now, more than ever, Every Business Must Be Resilient   As a motivational resilience speaker with a passion for small business, I know how tough it has been. My background as a small business owner, manager and consultant, made me aware of what every small business employee knows: the pandemic may be hindsight for several […]

Scott Burrows, Association Keynote Speaker

Now, More Than Ever, Associations Must Engage Members   In my role as an association keynote speaker, I know that now, more than ever, associations must re-engage their members. Association membership has been in trouble for quite some time, and membership loss and membership engagement with those organizations have worsened during the pandemic. In February […]

Scott Burrows, Small Business Resilience Speaker

Small Business in America: It’s Gut-Check Time   Being a small business resilience speaker and having my own business, I relate on a personal level to one of the tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic: how it impacted small business across America. By May 12, 2020, the Washington Post reported that at least 100,000 small businesses […]

Scott Burrows, Leadership and Accountability Keynote Speaker

What Do You Ask of Others That You Don’t Demand of Yourself?   As a keynote speaker on leadership and accountability, I have found that in terms of all the issues causing C-level executives to struggle, far and away, “accountability” is their biggest challenge. Leadership cannot survive without accountability in their organizations. Business writer Shannon […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Speaker on Overcoming Challenges

Are Meeting Planners Determined to Overcome a “Rosy” Outlook?   As a motivational speaker on overcoming challenges, it may be counter-intuitive for me to ask clients in the meeting planning industry if they are determined to ‘overcome’ the rosy market outlook for 2020. Yes, but… Most industry surveys for 2020 seem to be optimistic enough. […]

Scott Burrows, National Association Inspirational & Overcoming Adversity Speaker

Motivational Speakers Impact Meeting Attendance for Associations   As a keynote speaker to national associations on the topic of motivation and overcoming adversity, I know the importance of my mission. This coming year, national association speakers will speak to nearly 207 million attendees at 1.8 million events. These events range from major keynote addresses and […]

Scott Burrows, Inspirational Overcoming Adversity Speaker for Association Executives

Do You Know Your Members and Do They Know You?   As I frequently deliver overcoming adversity keynote and breakout session speeches to association executions, I was quite bothered by a recent poll taken by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). ASAE reported organizations were concerned that member expectations were changing and the organizations […]