Scott Burrows, Creating Resilient Healthcare Teams Speaker
What Can We Expect for Healthcare This Year? Change. What do I predict? Change, lots of it. As a motivational speaker on the topic of managing change and creating resilient healthcare teams, I can forecast that nobody knows exactly what lies ahead. Am I hedging my bets? Not really. Don’t take this vision of […]
Scott Burrows, Pharmaceutical Sales Keynote Speaker
I’m Tired of the “Bitter Pill” Jokes – You Too? As a pharmaceutical sales speaker, who has a broad background in sales and motivating pharma sales teams, I am tired of the “Bitter Pill” jokes. What I mean by that are people minimizing your professional background and efforts. If this past 18 months has […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker
What are you afraid of? As a motivational sales speaker, it’s strange that more people don’t want to go into sales. This is especially true after most of us spent more than a year locked down, and many of our family, friends and neighbors got laid off. Did you know that according to the […]
Scott Burrows Pharmaceutical Sales Keynote Speaker
The Pandemic Might Have Changed Pharma Sales Forever – What About You? As a pharma sales motivational speaker with a long-standing interest in healthcare, I followed how the COVID-19 pandemic affected our industry. There were profound changes – and it was much more than “business as usual.” The question is: “What about you? Are […]
Scott Burrows, Pharmaceutical Speaker on Resilience and Change
What is The Winning Script for Writing More Scripts in 2021? “The landscape of pharma was radically altered by the pandemic…experts say that the industry will soon be taking stock of how it navigated the pandemic and what the sudden shifts in operations and regulations could mean in the long-term.” – Pharma Manufacturing, January […]