Scott Burrows, Overcoming Adversity Keynote Speaker for Managing Healthcare Change

Is Healthcare Ready to Overcome the Challenge of Social Media?   Managing change has never been more difficult for all phases of healthcare than it is right now. Social media, whether Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other platform is representative of the challenge. As an overcoming adversity speaker for the healthcare industry, I know that […]

Scott Burrows, Healthcare Industry Motivational Speaker

Hospitals Can Overcome Adversity and Come Back to Life We have all heard stories about Navy Seals or Olympic athletes who have overcome great adversity to beat the challenges in front of them, but what about organizations such as hospitals? Hospitals are supposed to cure the sick, aren’t they? As an inspirational overcoming adversity speaker […]

Scott Burrows Healthcare Keynote Speaker

Is the Healthcare Industry Paralyzing Patient Care with Numbers? For some time now, the mindset in the healthcare industry has been that the economies of scale created by the mergers of healthcare systems have resulted in superior patient care. Financial analysts have argued that since consolidation has worked for airlines, restaurant chains and insurance companies, […]