Scott Burrows, Motivational Safety Team Speaker

It is Time to Get Accountable about Safety As a motivational safety team speaker, I am familiar with the many recent studies on isolation and loneliness. If you’re currently scratching your head as to what loneliness might have to do with safety, just stay with me for a moment as we move through […]
Scott Burrows, Workplace Safety Speaker

Caring About Safety Has Never Been More Important How safe do you feel on your job? As a workforce safety speaker who once suffered a tragic workplace related accident, I ask you to think carefully before answering. The data for 2022 were not encouraging in terms of improvement. U.S. Workforces are still experiencing more […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Safety Speaker

“Safety Affects Everyone in the 2023 Workplace – Including You” There has been an important shift in workplace safety that will involve everyone in your organization. As a motivational safety speaker, I must emphasize that “safety” is more critical than ever. Forget the posters and harnesses? Traditionally, the organization has been divided into […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Workplace Safety Speaker

When Safety Awareness is Lost When I speak to groups as a motivational workplace safety speaker, it is important for me to emphasize that in addition to concerns about lingering COVID concerns, there is a more basic level many workers seem to have ignored. Workers who never left the workplace, didn’t have the luxury […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Safety Speaker

What’s New in Safety? (You might not want to know) As a motivational safety speaker, I must admit that I am obsessed with safety. I myself became a safety statistic after leaving a job site. So, keynote speaking on safety isn’t a “lazy exercise” for me. It is intensely personal and I live […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Safety Speaker

Safety is not about “Hybrid” The business world, it seems, is obsessed with the hybrid workplace. As a motivational safety speaker who once “worked with his hands,” I see the obsession with the office workplace as perhaps a bit classist. During the worst of the lockdown, it was the blue-collar worker who kept […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Workplace Safety Speaker

The 7 Safety Myths As a motivational workplace safety speaker, let me pitch a serious question: Who are You Keeping Safe? It’s a proven fact that when we look out for one another, everyone in the workplace is safer. While the accepted wisdom used to be “I look out for me, because I […]
Scott Burrows, Safety Speaker

Who Taught You Workplace Safety? Speaking to groups on safety in the workplace, I note that while workplace safety is a critical topic, it is often overlooked until it is too late. The most common answer I receive when I say that keeping each other safe is our most important responsibility is: “Well, safety […]