As a leader, you get to take new initiatives every day. Establishing your authority is one of the rewards of your position, of the efforts it took for you to reach to the top. That being said, make sure your actions exude positivity.
Exercising your influence is your right, given your position. However, do so while valuing other people, their work, and their opinions.
If you have to remind people “I’m the boss!” from time to time, it takes away the dignity from the title.
Use your authority the right way. Here is how you can accomplish that:
Think Of Everyone
According to a science brief by American Psychological Association (APA), power that comes with a desirable workplace position leads managers to think only of themselves, instead of what is best for their employees.
This approach can cause their leadership to go awry, as employees will no longer trust their manager to make the right decisions for them.
Consult Before You Conclude
Do you need to take cost cutting measures to adjust your department to the changing financial situation? Do you need to change the way your employees work?
Inform your employees and ask for their opinion any time you have to bring about a big change in the workplace.
Such decisions have an impact on both personal and professional lives of your employees. Asking for their opinion implies that you respect what they have to say, and that you care for them.
Perform Constructive Negotiations
As a leader, you will find that fairness can be difficult to incorporate in many situations. You will find yourself in the midst of a conflict many times.
However, understand that even as someone who is supposed to be more knowledgeable than the rest, you can be wrong.
Your employee’s idea may be the better one. To balance your authority and everyone else’s ideas, find a common ground where all parties can reach a consensus.
Recognize Efforts
Is someone in your work staff at the receiving end of your criticism? Make sure to balance it out with positive feedback too. If your employee is performing poorly, you have every right to call them out on their deteriorating performance, and issue a warning, if necessary.
However, if they have made visible efforts to improve their work, don’t hold back on your appreciation for them. A simple “good job!” can suffice to make a person feel motivated, and show that you are performing your role as a leader justly.
As a business keynote speaker, Scott Burrows emphasizes the importance of positive leadership and diversity in a work environment.
The motivational speaker has influenced people in numerous organizations through a compassionate approach. Are you ready to get inspired?