Everybody who has ever had a career should learn the importance of setting goals. While we may set off on a career path with the intention of simply gaining a reasonable income, what comes next? Setting goals is the first step in securing successful achievements.
It’s the first step toward growth.
Have you set goals for the future? How long is their span: a year, five years or ten years?
While you cannot predict everything that will come up during your journey, set your goals beforehand rather than making them up along the way.
Focus On Controlling Your Life
Today, you will find a number of people who seem to be doing well in their profession, and yet they feel unfulfilled. They have a good job, a sizeable salary, great social life, and yet there is no sense of achievement at any point. Their work controls them, when really, it should be the other way around.
This is where goal-setting enters. Getting up every morning, working for a certain number of hours and coming back—that’s not progress, it’s a process. Set a goal to create a vision. It will help you break out of auto-pilot and take charge.
You may find that you do not have enough resources or skills to reach your goal, but that is exactly the point of setting them. Now you have more purpose in your life.
For instance, you plan on taking the next step forward in your career, and progress from creative artist to arts director. As it turns out, you need the ability to manage projects, inspire people, collaborate with the marketing department in your company and more. For these, you need to take courses on developing skills.
It all begins the moment you set a goal. You process your time, money and energy as inputs to be processed. The resulting output is your achieved goal.
The Best You Can Be
Goals enable you to access your highest potential. You strive toward your targets, venture into new situations and reach new heights. Setting a professional goal ensures that you never allow yourself to settle for anything less than what you want and what you believe you deserve.
Business keynote speaker Scott Burrows has led his life with the same philosophy. As a keynote speaker on change, he emphasizes the power of goal-setting for transforming one’s current professional situation into a more fulfilling one.
Reach out to Scott at 855.841.9225 to hire him as a speaker to make your next corporate event successful. In the meantime, check out some of his videos here.