Turning “Impossible” to “I’m Possible”

The things we do and tell ourselves have a significant impact on our daily lives. If you choose to wallow in negative thoughts, it can impact your self-esteem.

Similarly, if you choose to let go of past resentment and start anew, you can transform your life.

It can be tempting to dwell over minor, insignificant details. From an in-the-moment comment a colleague made to some ill-timed criticism, we let minor things get in the way of success.

Dealing with our emotions when faced with adversity can be challenging, but when you focus on the bigger picture, you’re able to gain control.

Here are a few ways small but significant actions can help you professionally:

Don’t Let Emotions Get in the Way

Never, ever let a he-said-she-said situation get in the way of your success. When dealing with a frustrating client or a difficult teammate, remain calm. It’s easier said than done, but it will save you from a mountain of stress.

Don’t engage in office politics. Communicate your concerns professionally and objectively. This is the best way to diffuse a situation that can escalate and turn into something big. Communication is the key to successful relationships.

When dealing with angry clients, ask the client for specifics—to elaborate on what they want. If it doesn’t work out, ask your manager to take over and look into it.

Delegate Tasks

We all get bitten by the procrastination bug from time to time. However, if you let it become a part of your everyday routine, it can jeopardize your professional growth.

Working on challenging projects isn’t something everyone enjoys, but prioritizing and creating a to-do list can help you avoid stress. When you come into work, plan out your day after taking your coffee break.

Tackle the difficult tasks first so you’re not left with a stressful workload at the end of the day.

If you’re working on an overwhelming project, take 15-minute breaks every 2 hours.

This will make it easier for you to manage your day.

Show Up Early

If you’re constantly arriving late to work, it can become a matter of unprofessionalism. Time yourself. Set your alarm at least half an hour earlier.

After you make these changes, you’ll start seeing the positive effects of changing your habits.

Work on Your Email Communication

Email smart. Many people don’t have time to check all of their email. Receiving a dozen emails about minor issues can be frustrating. If you need something urgent, do it in person.

Furthermore, learn about the rules of emailing so you don’t come off as rude or abrupt to your manager, clients and colleagues.

Accept and Embrace Changes

Sometimes things don’t go the way we plan. Accept change even if you don’t agree to it. Chances are you will get the opportunity to learn from such situations.

It’s a chance to grow and learn as an individual. It will help polish your skills and provide you with an opportunity to gain new perspectives. As professionals, we will have to work with all types of people.

You don’t have to like them or agree with them, but accepting them as different individuals can help make working with them easier.

Keep Your Expectations Low

It’s understandable that you have high expectations from your professional relationships, but keeping your expectations low will help make things easier. You’ll be able to deal with all types of situations and prepare yourself mentally.

Remember that people never react the way we expect them to.

It’s not easy dealing with pressures at work and avoiding small situations that can have big impacts. If you’re looking to learn more about how to better handle such situations, Scott Burrows is a professional  motivational  keynote speaker who has helped countless individuals in sales over the years.

Take a look at his book Vision Mindset Grit: How to Stand Up When Life Paralyzes You to gain some insight and tips on how to deal with workplace stress and pressure.

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