Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker

Still a Confusing People Business As a motivational sales keynote speaker, I was fascinated by what the sales experts were predicting for 2023 challenges. While I am not the kind of motivational sales speaker to say “I told you so,” the prognosticators agree that it is neither technology nor new processes that will […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Keynote Speaker

Don’t Ever Let the Competition Paralyze You “Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.” – Dorothy Thompson, Author As a motivational sales speaker who has faced catastrophic change and adversity, I had no choice but to develop an approach to life that fought against giving into fear […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker

What is Blocking You? As a motivational sales speaker, let me be honest and tell you that beating-up yourself because you didn’t “make your numbers,” probably won’t work. I know that it might be a popular concept, but motivation doesn’t work that way. Hey, you fat losers Remember a few years back when […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker

Where Has Your Motivation Gone? As a former sales advisor with 20 years of experience as a motivational sales speaker, I have an important question: What do you do, when all your motivation has gone? For any salesperson, no matter the field, a lack of motivation is not a luxury. It was never […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker

5 Steps to Spark Sales Motivation Motivation seems to be at an all-time low and, as a motivational sales speaker coming from a sales background, it’s concerning. Not just for me, but for organizations, sales trainers, sales managers, and sales team leaders. Hundreds of articles, podcasts, and books have been written on motivation – […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Resilience Speaker

Fold or Go Forward: The Choice is Yours “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.” ― Mary Holloway, Author As I was about to give my keynote talk as a motivational sales resilience speaker, an audience member came up to me […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Pharmaceutical Speaker

Going from Sixty to Zero is Not a Good Look To the world that lies beyond the pharmaceutical industry, I know that as a motivational pharmaceutical speaker, the projected 2022 revenues of $8.7 trillion seems proof positive that the industry has it made. In fact, the headlines, are trying to convince the world that […]
Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker

The Numbers Are Staggering – and So Are The Opportunities As a sales team motivational speaker, who came out of a financial sales background, we all know that 2022 is a year filled with challenges. At the beginning of the year, the industry consensus showed the following: More than 70 percent of sales vice […]
Scott Burrows, Pharmaceutical Sales Keynote Speaker

2022 is a Year of Resilience and Strong Customer Service. Be Warned. “We should see an exceptional level of activity across all sectors in 2022 as companies look to further their growth agenda. Biotech and smaller medical device deals should continue in the first half of the year, with the second half poised […]
Scott Burrows, Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Sales Motivational Speaker

Nothing is a Given in Healthcare Sales, and That’s a Good Thing Remember the old slogan, “There are no guarantees?” As a medical device and pharmaceutical sales speaker, I started 2020 speaking in-person to groups, then switched to virtual, and now the entire healthcare industry is somewhere in-between. One common thread from the sales […]