Holiday Car Safety: Protecting What Matters Most

As the holiday season draws near, many of us eagerly anticipate gathering with loved ones, sharing meals, and creating cherished memories. For many, this season also means road trips—whether it’s to visit family, catch up with friends, or escape to a winter getaway. Amidst the excitement, it’s essential to prioritize car safety. It’s not just […]

Preparing for the New Year: Unlocking Success with Vision, Mindset, and Grit

As one chapter closes and another begins, the transition to a new year is a powerful moment to reflect, recalibrate, and refocus. It’s a time to set your sights on the future, fuel your determination, and prepare to step boldly into the opportunities ahead. Whether your goals revolve around professional success, personal growth, or life-changing […]

The Power of Mindset: Keys to Unlocking Your Potential

In this blog we’ll be discussing the key steps of cultivating a success Mindset. Keep scrolling to read more. Mindset: The Foundation of Success and Growth In both personal and professional development, one key factor consistently drives success: Mindset. As a keynote speaker and the author of Vision, Mindset, Grit, I’ve witnessed firsthand how a […]

Scott Burrows, Texas Motivational Speaker

How Can We Not Feel Pride in Texas?   “Optimism isn’t just a state of mind, it’s a practice. But seizing an opportunity to improve things can rarely be done alone. Texans work together every day to help their neighbors, respond to disaster, and build brighter futures.” – Texas Optimism Project, 2023   As a […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Safety Team Speaker

  It is Time to Get Accountable about Safety   As a motivational safety team speaker, I am familiar with the many recent studies on isolation and loneliness. If you’re currently scratching your head as to what loneliness might have to do with safety, just stay with me for a moment as we move through […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Dental Sales Keynote Speaker

  According to the latest market research data, the current valuation of the U.S. oral care market is around $34 billion with a projected valuation of somewhat over $51 billion by 2030. As a motivational dental sales keynote speaker, I know most observers might say, “A growth rate of nearly 5.5% is pretty darn good.” […]

Scott Burrows, Workplace Safety Speaker 

Caring About Safety Has Never Been More Important   How safe do you feel on your job? As a workforce safety speaker who once suffered a tragic workplace related accident, I ask you to think carefully before answering. The data for 2022 were not encouraging in terms of improvement. U.S. Workforces are still experiencing more […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Sales Speaker

  Still a Confusing People Business   As a motivational sales keynote speaker, I was fascinated by what the sales experts were predicting for 2023 challenges. While I am not the kind of motivational sales speaker to say “I told you so,” the prognosticators agree that it is neither technology nor new processes that will […]

Scott Burrows, Texas Motivational Speaker

  Texas, You Got This!   As the New Year rolled around the predictable economic forecasts told everyone, from Houston to Dallas to San Antonio, and all stops in-between, we would be in for a bumpy ride. As a Texas Motivational Keynote Speaker, I know that often, where Texas goes, the nation follows. As a […]

Scott Burrows, Motivational Change Management Speaker

  Want to be Invaluable? Be the Change Agent.   The change management trends for 2023 have been widely acknowledged, and as a change management speaker, I’m not surprised that change is now considered the new normal. Whether employees are used to their workplaces being “transformed” from year-to-year or even month-to-month, like it or not […]